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Walking the Seasons school program

Engage your students in cultural learning in the Limestone Coast

Walking the Seasons is inspired by the Limestone Coast First Nations Seasonal Calendar. Connecting students with Country and culture.

“Walking the Seasons is an opportunity for schools to engage in authentic learning through cultural knowledge and perspectives in a local context. Students work on Country with Elders and community experts to learn about the local ecology, connecting with their own perceptions of the natural world.” Sarah McCarthy Aboriginal Education, Grant High School

Program details

First Nations Elders lead an immersive on country experience to give students a deeper understanding of First Nations culture. The Landscape Education team supports students to make observations across the seasons. The program also creates a sense of belonging and improves student well-being.

Walking Seasons resources have been developed by our Landscape Education team to support your curriculum planning.

Program resource

Seasonal Calendar resources

Plant and animal field identification guides for Walking the Seasons

The delivery of the Walking the Seasons program in schools across the Limestone Coast is a partnership between Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation, the Limestone Coast Landscape Board and the Department for Education.

For further information about this program please contact our Landscape Education team

“The opportunity the program offers for mindfulness, well-being, connection to Country and learning outdoors has unlimited potential for improving student academic, social and emotional outcomes.” Hannah Fox, Educator Grant High School.

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