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Biodiverse landscape

Improving our biodiverse landscape for the future

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board is working with you to protect our native species and ecosystems. Our landscape has a history of wetlands and native vegetation abundant with native plants and animals. Climate change, decline of vegetation and increased farming have changed our landscape.

Many of our local species have become threatened or endangered. We must maintain, restore and protect these natural assets for future generations.

Explore how you can help support our landscape for the future.

Protect and return native vegetation to our landscape

Native vegetation supports our ecosystem and creates habitat for our threatened species.

Discover how you can support native vegetation.

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Value of Limestone Coast Wetlands

Conserving and restoring wetland areas in our region is critical for our local plants and animals.

Learn more about how we can protect our Limestone Coast wetlands.

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Supporting our local threatened species

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board will work with you to support threatened species in the region.

Through practical on-ground works, projects and community funding learn how you can make an impact.

Learn more