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Visit your local landscape and create a calendar across the seasons

If you often visit a part of our Limestone Coast landscape and take in the wonders and beauty it has on offer why not document the changes you witness through the seasons.

The importance of the seasonal calendar

First Nations people use seasonal calendars to anticipate the coming of seasonal food sources, breeding seasons and when plants are ready to harvest.

This understanding of the landscape and its seasonal patterns is integral to First Nations land management.

History of the seasonal calendar

The seasonal calendar was originally developed as part of an education tool to link students with First Nations culture. Over time this calendar has evolved through the assistance of the South East Aboriginal Focus Group and Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation. 

Offering this calendar to the community will support First Nations cultural learning and assist us in developing a deeper understanding of our local landscape.

How to become involved

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board encourages you to get out into nature and document the changing landscape across the six seasons of the cultural calendar.

Write, draw or photograph your observations, discover the wonders of our ever-changing local landscape.

The data collected over time from our local landscape, supports the Limestone Coast Landscape Board with research on weather conditions, plant and animal behaviour and local environmental conditions that impact our future generations.

Download the seasonal calendar template and get creative! [PDF, 45 MB]

If you’ve created a seasonal calendar that you’d like to share email it to us at