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Native Vegetation Heritage Agreements

Conserve native vegetation with a Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement

You may be interested in conserving an area of native vegetation on your property in the Limestone Coast now and for future generations. 

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board can work with you to establish a heritage agreement or access funding for an existing agreement.

Access local knowledge

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board's Native Vegetation Heritage Outreach Officer has local knowledge and expertise and can provide support to:

  • Apply for a Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement.
  • Identify opportunities on your property to establish a Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement.

Contact our Native Vegetation Heritage Outreach Officer today

What is a Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement

A Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement is a conservation area on private land. It is an agreement, established between the landholder and the Minister for Climate, Environment and Water. Heritage Agreements are established in perpetuity to protect and enhance the natural character of a site’s flora and fauna. 

There are incentives available for landholders entering into a new heritage agreement or for those that already have an agreement. This includes a reduction in council rates.

Heritage Agreements have a minimum size

Heritage agreements can be as small as 1 ha if they contain rare or threatened vegetation communities, plant, animals or associated habitats. The minimum area is 3 ha for common vegetation types.

Find out more about incentive grants for new Heritage Agreements or expanding existing Heritage Agreements.