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Funding opportunities

Discover funding to support the Limestone Coast landscape

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board offers grants to support people to make change in our local landscape.

Grants are available for:

  • landholders
  • local councils
  • not-for-profits
  • schools, community and industry groups
  • First Nations organisations.

Some of the activities our grants support include:

  • revegetation
  • nature education
  • citizen science
  • weed control.

Limestone Coast Landscape Board grant programs

Review eligibility criteria, how to apply and deadlines to find the right grant for you.

Limestone Coast Grassroots Grants

Funding for almost everyone. We provide annual funding for local, on-ground and practical activities. Grants focus on community, sustainability and environmental benefits.

The Limestone Coast Grassroots Grants will be open soon.

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Conservation Grants

We support local landholders with their biodiversity efforts through our annual grant. Funding can assist with activities on property such as shelterbelts, revegetation and more.

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Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement Grants

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board is supporting local landholders in partnership with the Department for Environment and Water to manage existing and establish new Native Vegetation Heritage Agreements.

Expressions of interest for grant funding for new Heritage Agreements in the Limestone Coast are now open.

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Climate-smart Landscapes Grants

We can support primary producer groups, local landholders, landcare groups and First Nations peoples to prepare for a more variable climate.

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board is providing grants funding to adopt new, and enhance, sustainable farming practices.

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