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Local landscape community programs

Supporting community members to connect with the Limestone Coast landscape

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board provides free programs connecting community to country and capturing local data.

Discover the wonders of nature on the Limestone Coast ClimateWatch trail

Contribute knowledge to support climate change insights.

Our local ClimateWatch trail is at the Valley Lakes/Ketla Malpi Conservation Park and open to all.

Find out more

Visit your local landscape and create a calendar across the seasons

Create a First Nations Seasonal Calendar for your favourite nature space.

Visit your local landscape across the seasons and create a picture in a cultural context. Data across the seasons provides valuable information about our local landscape.

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Walking the Seasons for the community

Walking the Seasons is a program inspired by the region's First Nations seasonal calendar. 

Community members are invited to connect with nature and spend time observing and identifying species in their local landscape.

Join a walk now