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The Limestone Coast Landscape Board runs events for land managers, teachers, students, community and much more.

Explore our events and find out what's of offer near you.


Carbon farming in the Limestone Coast

Supporting landholders to take the first step to understand your farm emissions.

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Manoeuvre swiftly to protect the southern bent-wing bat

Partnering for critical on ground works to support the population of this unique micro-bat.

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Walking the Seasons for the community

Walking the Seasons is a program inspired by the region's First Nations seasonal calendar. Community members are invited to connect with nature and spend time observing and identifying species in their local landscape.

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Save our springs

The karst springs and alkaline fens restoration project is now underway. The project will restore a critically endangered wetland and contribute to our water security goals. Find out how we’re Saving Our Springs.

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Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan

We’re amending the Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan.

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Conservation Grants

We support local landholders with their biodiversity efforts through our annual grant. Funding can assist with activities on property such as shelterbelts, revegetation and more.

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Limestone Coast Grassroots Grants

Funding for almost everyone. We provide annual funding for local, on-ground and practical activities. Grants focus on community, sustainability and environmental benefits.

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African Lovegrass Control Program

The Department of Primary Industries and Regions in partnership with the Limestone Coast Landscape Board are supporting landholders in the upper Limestone Coast to control African lovegrass infestations on their property.

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Feral Deer Eradication Program

The Limestone Coast Feral Deer Eradication program uses aerial and ground shooting, monitoring and compliance to eradicate feral deer.

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Tintinara Coonalpyn Water Allocation Plan

We're reviewing the Tintinara Coonalpyn Water Allcation Plan. 

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Padthaway Water Allocation Plan

We’re finalising the revised Padthaway Water Allocation Plan.

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Climate-smart Landscapes Grants

We can support primary producer groups, local landholders, landcare groups and First Nations peoples to prepare for a more variable climate.

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board is providing grants funding to adopt new, and enhance, sustainable farming practices.

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