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Accessing information

Accessing information from the Limestone Coast Landscape Board

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board supports the objectives of the Freedom of Information Act 1991, which aims to make the business of government open and accountable to the public. Under the Freedom of Information Act 1991 you can access certain information from us.

General overview of freedom of information

The Freedom of Information Act 1991 (the Act) gives you a legal right to:
  • Request access to information held by the Limestone Coast Landscape Board.
  • Request the amendment of information about you that is:
    • incomplete
    • incorrect
    • out-of-date
    • misleading.
  • Seek a review of a decision made by Limestone Coast Landscape Board about your request to access or amend information.

State Records of South Australia assists with administration of the Act and provides general advice to members of the public and to government agencies.

A comprehensive overview of how freedom of information operates in South Australia is available from State Records SA

Our information statement

Pursuant to section 9(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 1991, the following details are provided as part of the information statement of the Limestone Coast Landscape Board which is an agency as defined under section 4(1)(e) of the Act.

Subject to certain restrictions, the Act gives you a legally enforceable right to access information held by the Limestone Coast Landscape Board.

Our structure and functions

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board is established under the Landscape South Australia Act 2019 and supports the community to care for land, water and nature.

The Regional Landscape Plan 2021-2026 details the priorities of the Limestone Coast Landscape Board over a 5-year period. It guides activities such as pest control, sharing groundwater, and soil and landscape management.

View information about the Limestone Coast Landscape Board Governing Body

Our projects and programs

Opportunities for public participation

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board works in partnership with First Nations, industry groups, governments, schools, community groups and volunteers.

We consult with the community on policy and plan development through a variety of mechanisms.

Limestone Coast Landscape Board meetings are open to the public.

View agendas and minutes of Limestone Coast Landscape Board meetings

Learn how you can participate in the Limestone Coast Landscape Board’s projects and programs

Information held within the Limestone Coast Landscape Board

Information held by Limestone Coast Landscape Board fall broadly into the categories described below. The listing of these categories does not mean all information is accessible, in full or in part; requests will be considered in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1991.

Some information may be subject to legislative confidentiality provisions that may limit or preclude release in some circumstances.

Information held includes:

  • agendas, minutes and correspondence relating to the operations of the Limestone Coast Landscape Board and its committees
  • annual reports, strategic and business plans
  • documents relating to the procurement of goods and services
  • communications material, in printed and electronic media
  • personnel files relating to employees
  • accounting and financial reports
  • policies, procedures and guidelines, prescribing the ways various activities and programs are to be performed.

Information available from the Limestone Coast Landscape Board

The following types of information are available to you free of charge. They may be published or are available by contacting us:

  • teacher and landholder resources, including newsletters, factsheets, maps and videos
  • community consultation surveys
  • media releases
  • agendas and minutes of board meetings held in public
  • annual reports
  • strategic and business plans.

Making an application for access to information

In accordance with the Act, applications for access to information held by the Limestone Coast Landscape Board must:

  • Be made in writing by letter, email or using the online FOI application form.
  • Specify that the application is made under the Freedom of Information Act 1991.
  • Be accompanied by the application fee (exemptions apply for Members of Parliament and pensioners or health care card holders).
  • Specify an address in Australia to which information can be sent.
  • Clearly identify the documents being sought or the matter to which they pertain.
  • Specify whether it contains information of a personal nature.
  • Specify the desired type of access, such as inspection at an arranged location or having a copy made (where possible, documents can be provided electronically).
  • Evidence of your identity may be requested.

Where to send applications

Online FOI Application form 


Forward applications under the Act to:

Freedom of Information Officer
Limestone Coast Landscape Board
PO Box 1453 Mount Gambier SA 5290

Making an application to amend information

Applications can be made to amend a record held by the Limestone Coast Landscape Board concerning personal affairs if they are incomplete, incorrect, misleading or out of date.

In accordance with the Act, applications for amendment of information held by the Limestone Coast Landscape Board must:

  • Be made in writing by letter, email or using the online form. 
  • Specify that the application is made under the Freedom of Information Act 1991.
  • Specify an address in Australia to which information can be sent.
  • Clearly identify the record to be amended.
  • Provide such information as is necessary in order for the records to be amended.

Where to send applications

There is a FOI Application form available online.

Online FOI application form


Forward applications under the Act to:

Freedom of Information Officer
Limestone Coast Landscape Board
PO Box 1453 Mount Gambier SA 5290

Application to review a determination under FOI

If you are refused access to all or part of information that you requested access to, you will be informed of the reasons why and advised of your rights to seek a review or appeal.

You can also seek a review or appeal if you have applied for your personal records to be amended under FOI and amendment has been refused.

The Freedom of Information Officer can provide advice on seeking a review of an FOI determination.

Contact details for Ombudsman SA

Phone: 8226 8699
Toll free: 1800 182 150 (within SA)

Contact details for South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT)

Phone: 1800 723 767

Payment options

An FOI application must be accompanied by the fee as stated in the current application form, unless an exemption applies. Additional charges may be applied to process your request.

Full details of fees and charges are in the fees notice. 

Please forward a cheque or money order to the Freedom of Information Officer when submitting your application. To make payment via credit card or electronic funds transfer, please contact the Freedom of Information Officer on 8429 7550.

Fees Notice May 2024 [PDF, 9.9 MB]

Contact an accredited FOI officer

The Freedom of Information Officer can be contacted at:

Freedom of Information Officer
Limestone Coast Landscape Board
PO Box 1453 Mount Gambier SA 5290
Phone: (08) 8429 7550

Office hours are between 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.

FOI public disclosures

We publish non-personal information released by Limestone Coast Landscape Board under the Freedom of Information Act 1991. This allows people to identify and access information that is of interest.

Some documents may be too large to upload online. Contact the Freedom of Information Officer for access.

View the Limestone Coast Landscape Board freedom of information public disclosures log