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Maintaining healthy soils for productivity in the Limestone Coast

Maintaining healthy soils is good for maintaining your property's productivity, the environment and our Limestone Coast landscape. 

The benefits of healthy soil

Healthy soils have high levels of carbon and good soil structure. They exhibit good drainage, provide good levels of essential nutrients and low weed pressure. There are threats to soil health in the Limestone Coast such as soil erosion and acidity. 

It is important to understand your property's soil health through sampling, testing and interpreting results. Understanding your property's soil health will assist with your management decisions. 

Access local knowledge

Having a wide network of experts to call on will ensure you make the right decisions for your property. 

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board's Soil Extension Officer has local knowledge and expertise and can provide free advice on:

  • Identifying soil health issues on your property.
  • Putting in place soil sampling strategies that work for you.
  • Making the right fertiliser application decision for your business.
  • Making connections with relevant industry bodies and information.
  • Establishing a soil trial site on your property.
  • Undertaking a soil carbon audit.

Contact our Soil Extension Officer today

Local farmers on the importance of soil

Hear from local land managers about the benefits of maximising soil health to build resilience in your property to maximise productivity.