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Sustainable farming and forestry

Supporting primary producers to put in place sustainable land management practices

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board helps landholders with practices that support a productive and healthy landscape.

Locals on the importance of sustainable practices in the Limestone Coast

Hear from local land managers about the benefits of sustainable land management and carbon smart practices.

Our land managers are passionate about leaving the land in better health for future generations.

Becoming a carbon smart land manager

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board can support you in exploring whole-farm carbon management. This can support emissions reductions and increasing the productivity of your land.

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Establishing the right shelterbelts for your property

Planting shelterbelts on your property can protect your crops, provide shelter to stock and reduce soil erosion. Native shelterbelts provide the same productivity benefits while supporting biodiversity.

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Maintaining healthy soils for productivity in the Limestone Coast

Healthy soil underpins productivity. The Limestone Coast Landscape Board can provide advice on how to do soil testing and improve soil health and productivity on your property.

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Protecting and establishing paddock trees on your property

Paddock trees are an iconic feature of our landscape but need protection and the next generation established. They enhance the resilience and sustainability of your farm.

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Protecting the wetlands in your paddocks

The wetlands in your paddocks can support biodiversity on your farm and contribute to recharging our water resources.

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Protecting and establishing native vegetation on your farm

Establishing new vegetation on your property can be a daunting task with many decisions to be made. The key is planning.

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Protecting our landscape from the impact of weeds and pest animals

Controlling pests on your property is key to reduce costs and maximise productivity on your farm.

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Helping you keep your deer

If you keep deer for farming, as a hobby or even as a pet they are considered livestock. Our local Landscape Officers are here to support and guide you to keep your deer so they do not supplement our feral deer population.

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Get the weather nearest you

The Limestone Coast automatic weather station network can assist you make decisions around irrigation scheduling, chemical application and harvest conditions.

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Conserve native vegetation with a Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement

Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement can preserve native vegetation on your property for an indefinite period for generations to come.

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