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Posted by Limestone Coast Landscape Board on

The Stakeholder Advisory Group along with broad stakeholder consultation will provide objective advice and recommendations to the Limestone Coast Landscape Board towards the sustainable use, conservation and management of water in the Lower Limestone Prescribed Wells Area.

Limestone Coast Landscape Board Chair, Penny Schulz, who will also Chair the Stakeholder Advisory Group, highlighted the diverse representation of Lower Limestone Coast stakeholders.

"We are delighted with the balanced composition of the Stakeholder Advisory Group representatives and we know the depth of their experience, skills and knowledge will assist us to inform the planning for sustainable water use, balancing the needs of the community, industry, environment and First Nations for this precious resource," said Ms Schulz.

Acknowledging that not all groups and industry representatives can be on the Stakeholder Advisory Group, Ms Schulz reminded the community that the Stakeholder Advisory Group is not the only mechanism for groups or individuals to be involved in the Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan review.

"Our aim is to ensure the review is transparent, that stakeholders are involved at every step, and we are looking forward to genuine involvement and input."

"We have developed a dedicated Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan review project page for individuals to follow the progress of the review," said Ms Schulz.

"It is important that the views of all water users are considered, we strongly recommend anyone with an interest to sign up for regular updates on the review and opportunities for being involved at various stages."

The review project page has a list of all Stakeholder Advisory Group members and will also include the details of all scheduled meetings and their minutes as these details arise.

The next step for the Stakeholder Advisory Group is to set a schedule of meetings to support the evaluation stage which is expected to be completed by December 2023. The evaluation will also consider if the plan remains appropriate or whether amendment is required. If the Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan requires amending this would be undertaken as stage two.

"The Water Allocation Plan is pivotal in directing the long-term sustainability of the Lower Limestone Coast water resources", Limestone Coast Landscape Board General Manager Steve Bourne said.

"The Stakeholder Advisory Group will be critical to achieving a meaningful evaluation of the principles and success of the current Water Allocation Plan and we look forward to working with the group throughout the review," he said.

Under the Landscape South Australia Act 2019 a water allocation plan must be reviewed on a comprehensive basis at least once in every 10 years.

Explore the Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan project page.

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