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Posted by Limestone Coast Landscape Board on

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board is set to host a second round of community consultations for the amendment of the Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan.

The meetings will provide an opportunity for those interested to learn about the progress of the amendment, hear feedback and actively participate in shaping the future of water management in the Lower Limestone Coast.

As part of the Limestone Coast Landscape Board’s commitment to transparency, the consultation process is an opportunity for the community to remain involved every step of the way.

Limestone Coast Landscape Board Manager of Planning and Engagement, Dr. Liz Perkins emphasised the importance of the information sessions for the Plan amendment.

“We live in a region where many industries and livelihoods are dependent on the water resource, and it is essential to balance these interests while protecting the environment.”

“Over 340 individuals attended the August 2024 sessions demonstrating a strong interest in the process and a desire by the wider community to understand and get involved.”

“There is often confusion and uncertainty surrounding the amendment process, and misconceptions can spread in the community,” said Dr. Perkins. “

“We know that many individuals and groups want to understand more and have valuable insights into the proposed revisions.”

“It is important we hear from the broader community; the upcoming sessions ensure everyone can hear firsthand the scope for changes and the views from others in attendance.”

“This amendment will lead to changes in the Plan and determining those changes will involve extensive consultation,” said Dr. Perkins. “I want to emphasise that, at this stage, no decisions have been made regarding what the revised plan will look like. “

“We encourage people in the Lower Limestone Coast to come to the sessions, get involved, stay connected, and make a meaningful contribution to the conversation.” said Dr. Perkins.

Sessions will be available in Kingston, Naracoorte, Mt Gambier, Millicent and online.

Registration for the sessions is essential via the Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan page. The page also provides opportunities for involvement and to provide direct feedback on the amendment. 

Register for a session near you

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