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Preventing weed spread across the Limestone Coast

Weeds are often spread to new areas by hitching a ride on vehicles, equipment or clothing. Best practice hygiene procedures, such as cleaning vehicles, are important in combatting the spread of weeds. 

This protects your farm, our landscape and safeguards our economy, environment, and community from the impact of weeds. 

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board can support you to prevent the spread of weeds.

Steps to prevent weed spread

Prevention is better than cure. Here are some simple steps you can take to prevent weed spread and improve your on-farm biosecurity:

  • keep an eye out for new or unusual weeds appearing
  • keep machinery and animals away from heavily weed infested areas
  • prevent weed spread by slashing or controlling weeds before they produce seeds
  • clean vehicles, equipment or clothing such as shoes regularly
  • have a designated clean down site for vehicles and machinery
  • avoid overstocking of livestock
  • use controlled grazing practices and manage the movement of livestock across pastures in a planned and systematic way
  • apply buffer zones to weed infested areas
  • use defined entry/exit points
  • use appropriate signage to define access tracks, no-go zones or clean down areas
  • maintain appropriate documentation for plant and equipment and visitors.

Weed control is everyone's responsibility

Arrive clean, leave clean. Promoting weed hygiene practices is a simple but fundamental way to support weed control efforts on your property.

Talk to your contractors, friends and people coming to your property about why it is important to keep weeds out of your property. Most people quickly understand the value of protecting your property from weeds and are happy to use the simple measures you have put in place.

Stopping the spread training tool and assessment

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board has created an online training tool to help you learn about weed spread and the best ways to prevent it in the Limestone Coast. This tool is especially useful for individuals, as well as contractors working on roadsides, in earthmoving, and on properties.

It also helps you understand your legal responsibilities and obligations when it comes to the movement of declared weeds.

The online presentation allows you to learn at your own pace, and there's a short quiz at the end. Participants who take part in the quiz will receive a document confirming completion of the Limestone Coast Landscape Board Best Practice Weed Hygiene. The training tool and quiz should take about 15 minutes.

If you have a number of staff that would benefit from a short presentation about weed hygiene by one of our Landscape Officers, contact us to arrange.

Local Landscape Officers, local knowledge

Our Landscape Officers are located across the region. They work with you to protect our landscape from declared weeds. They will:

  • visit your property and provide weed identification
  • bring a local understanding and technical advice of the declared weeds in your area
  • provide mapping of weed infestations on your property
  • support you to get the most out of your pest animal control campaign.

Find your local Landscape Officer

Understanding your legal responsibilities

Everyone has a legal obligation to ensure that their activities do not contribute to the spread of weeds.

Under the Landscape South Australia Act 2019, a person must not transport or allow the movement of declared weeds on a public road or from one area to another.

The maximum penalty for this offence is $10,000 with a potential expiation fee of $500.