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Effective weed management on your property

Weeds are plants that grow where they are not wanted. They are costly to primary production. By working together to manage them we can improve our primary industries, environment and community. 

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board can support you to manage weeds on your property.

The benefits to controlling weeds on your property

Protecting your property from the impacts of weeds not only boosts your productivity but also protects our landscape. Declared weeds cost the Limestone Coast millions of dollars each year. There are over 150 declared weed species across the Limestone Coast.

Improve your productivity and profitability

Weeds can compete with crops and pastures for resources, affecting productivity. Controlling weeds ensures the health and yield of crops and pastures. Uncontrolled weeds can result in profit losses and increased costs of weed management.

Weeds can contribute to soil erosion as their root systems are not as effective at holding soil together. Controlling weeds help prevent erosion.

Reducing fire hazards

Some weeds are highly flammable, increasing the risk of bushfire. Managing weeds can reduce the fuel load and mitigate the risk of fires to your property.

Protecting and preserving our natural environment

Weeds can outcompete and displace native plants. Weeds often disrupt the habitat for native wildlife, reducing biodiversity.

Get straight to identifying and treating your weeds 

A complete list of South Australia's declared plants, their descriptions, control options and policies are available from the Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA).

There are also a number of notifiable and alert weeds identified for the Limestone Coast. These species are often not yet present and pose a significant threat to the region. Early detection is essential to stop these weeds becoming established.

Identifying and controlling declared weeds in South Australia

Find out more or report a notifiable or alert weed today

How we can help you manage weeds on your property

Landholders are encouraged to undertake and manage their own weed control on their property.

Our Landscape Officers are spread across the Limestone Coast. They work with and support you to control weeds on your property by:

  • Bringing a local understanding and technical advice of the weeds in your area.
  • Visiting your property and providing weed identification support.
  • Helping you to get better results with the right control methods and timing of control saving you time and money.
  • Supporting you to understand the extent of weed infestations on your property through weed mapping.
  • Supporting you to engage a private contractor or engage our Weed and Pest Animal Control Service if doing the control work yourself is not practical.

Regardless of your situation, our local Landscape Officers are here to help. 

Find your local Landscape Officer

How we prioritise the management of weeds in the Limestone Coast

We invest regional landscape levy into the prevention, control and management of priority declared weeds across the Limestone Coast. 

How we prioritise the management of declared weeds is guided by the Limestone Coast Pest Plant and Animal Strategy which has been developed in consultation with the community. This includes how we manage and control weeds on roadsides across the Limestone Coast. 

Read the Pest Plant and Animal Strategy today [PDF, 1 MB] 

Understanding your legal responsibilities

Weeds that are regulated under the Landscape South Australia Act 2019 (the Act) are known as declared weeds. Declared weeds have restrictions on their movement, sale, notification and control.

In South Australia, landholders are responsible for the management of declared weeds on their property.

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board has responsibility under the Act to ensure declared weeds are effectively managed in the region.