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Posted by Limestone Coast Landscape Board on

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board is set to host a series of sessions aimed at providing an update on the progress of the Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan amendment.

These meetings will offer a platform for stakeholders and interested parties to gain insights into the amendment process so far, provide feedback, and actively participate in shaping the future of water management in the Lower Limestone Coast.

The updates are a part of the commitment by the Limestone Coast Landscape Board to maintain a high level of transparency during the process and to giving people an opportunity to be involved at every step.

Limestone Coast Landscape Board Manager of Planning and Engagement, Dr. Liz Perkins said the information sessions are an important step for the Plan amendment.

“The amendment process began in March and the information sessions are an early opportunity for people to connect with the process and get involved.” said Dr Perkins.

“While we have an established Stakeholder Advisory Group which represents community, environment, primary production and industry in the region, we recognise that many other people have valuable contributions to the amendment that we need to hear.”

The amendment is a complex process involving rural landholders, those who have stock and domestic bores, industries, stakeholder and interest groups and our community.

“We live in a region where many industries and livelihoods are dependent on the water resource. We need to work together to balance these interests, ensuring water security for all while protecting our environment. We hope people will take the time to attend and find out more.” said Dr Perkins.

During the review, the LC Landscape Board met with community and a number of industry groups and water licence holders to evaluate the current plan. The LC Landscape Board will provide feedback on how that input is now shaping the amendment process and revisions.

“As with many water allocations plans, there is a lot of uncertainty around the processes to revise them. There can be at times a lot of confusing commentary and talk out in the region about what is happening. “

“The public information sessions are to ensure everyone can hear firsthand the scope for changes, our role in amending the plan and hear the views from all groups and community members.”

We are encouraging everyone to attend the sessions which will be held online and in Kingston, Naracoorte, Mt Gambier and Millicent.

Registration for the sessions is via the Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan page which also provides opportunities for involvement and to provide direct feedback on the review. 

Register for a session

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