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Posted by Limestone Coast Landscape Board on

Spring is the perfect time to take field pH measurements, and it’s even easier with the help of Kate Morris, the Limestone Coast Landscape Board’s newly appointed Soil Extension Officer. Monitoring pH is important because soil acidification occurs under intensive cropping, hay and lucerne systems.

Soil testing to assess the effectiveness of fertiliser programs is another essential part of managing landscape health. Kate can do site visits to assist land managers to soil sample and identify soil constraints, developing management strategies to match individual situations.

Kate is available to work with individual landholders and primary producing groups across the Limestone Coast. She will be extending the network of soil demonstration sites in the region and offering extension services, workshops and field days.

Kate has a background in soil surveying for irrigation management in the Riverland, has worked in salt-land and perennial pastures out of Keith, and more recently in the education sector.

“I am pleased to be returning to primary industries and look forward to making site visits to support landholders with sustainable soil management,” she said.

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