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Posted by Limestone Coast Landscape Board on

The boards meet annually to formalise ongoing discussions about the barriers and opportunities around water resource management and to review progress against the Drainage and Wetland Strategy.

The meeting, which took place in late August, included a mix of on-site visits and presentations from staff from both boards. The on-site visits had a coastal focus this year with stops at the Narrow Neck drain, Mt Hope drain and the Lake George outlet.

Attendees were also provided an update on the South East Coastal Lakes Project by the Department for Environment and Water. Acting Manager for the National Parks and Protected Area Program, Kathryn Nicolai also shared insight into the engagement and planning process being undertaken for the coastal lakes.

The boards began meeting annually in 2021 in recognition that both boards play a critical role in water resource management. Following the initial joint meeting a Drainage and Wetland Strategy Joint Board Committee was established to facilitate greater delivery of work under the objectives of the Drainage and Wetland Strategy.

Limestone Coast Landscape Board Chair, Penny Schulz highlighted the ongoing collaborative and strategic approach.

"We are excited that water projects linked to the Drainage and Wetland Strategy are progressing and that our collaboration is investigating further opportunities to protect and balance the region’s water resources, while supporting Limestone Coast primary production, biodiversity, industry, social and cultural requirements."

“The partnership with the South Eastern Water Conservation and Drainage Board is critical to achieving success, and supports the Limestone Coast Landscape Board’s ‘Making Every Drop Count’ strategic direction” Ms Schulz said.

Limestone Coast Landscape Board Wetland Restoration Ecologist, Dr. Emma Maxwell, delivered an update at the joint meeting on regional management actions that are identified in the Drainage and Wetland Strategy and the progress being made towards some of the actions.

Actions include but are not limited to the Lake George diversion and retention feasibility study, groundwater dependant ecosystem monitoring, incentives grants to support projects that seek to retain water in local wetlands, watercourses or drains, managed aquifer recharge feasibility study and regional recharge farms.

Explore the Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan project page.

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