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Helping to save the extremely rare woods well spyridium

The woods well spyridium (Spyrdium fontis-woodii) project is working to protect the plant from extinction in the Limestone Coast. 

A partnership to secure the future of woods well spyridium

There are only five plants known to be in the Limestone Coast in a roadside population near the Coorong. As a funding partner the Limestone Coast Landscape Board is supporting seed collection and translocation of propagated seedlings to establish a new population.

The Australian Seed Bank Partnership in collaboration with South Australian Seed Conservation Centre at the Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium of South Australia are running the project.

Protecting the existing population and increasing their numbers will also tell us more about their habitat requirements.

We look forward to seeing more woods well spyridium (Spyrdium fontis-woodii) plants in our landscape soon.