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Photo of Dr Robert Andrew

0428 645


  • City of Mt Gambier
  • Coorong District Council
  • District Council of Grant
  • District Council of Robe
  • Kingston District Council
  • Naracoorte Lucindale Council
  • Tatiara District Council
  • Wattle Range Council

Areas of Expertise

  • Wetland and conservation ecology
  • Ecological project management

Robbie is based out of the Noonameena office at 1063 Seven Mile Road, via Meningie, SA 5264.

Robbie leads the Habitat Conservation team overseeing ecological projects for the Limestone Coast Landscape Board. Robbie also project manages the South-eastern red-tailed black cockatoo project. Contact Robbie if you are interested in knowing more about the South-eastern red-tailed black cockatoo project or want to get involved.