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Posted by Limestone Coast Landscape Board on

Wednesday 25 September 2024 from 8 am to 12 midday

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board and PIRSA welcome landholders to a free half-day workshop to learn more about managing the local priority weed, African lovegrass.

Where - Tintinara Town Hall 49 Becker Terrace, Tintinara, SA

When – Wednesday 25 September 2024 from 8 am to 12 midday

Commencing at 8.00 am with a free bacon and egg breakfast and workshop beginning at 8:30 am.

This half day workshop will support landholders in their African lovegrass control efforts to treat infestations on their properties. This session will include:

  • Details for stage 2 of the landholder assistance for the African Lovegrass Control Program commencing in summer 2024 - 25. Opportunity to sign up to program on the day.
  • Explanation of the results from the demonstration site including chemicals used and resistance testing.
  • African lovegrass control methods and complementary management approaches such as fire, stock grazing and chemical application options.
  • Update on Veldt grass production work and discussion on soils.
  • Additional opportunities for landholders participating in the Program to access soil testing support to complement pasture renovation.


This workshop is supported by the Coorong Tatiara Local Action Plan.

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